Friday, July 24, 2015

Pets for for people who can't have pets

Before we owned our own home, our pets came in tanks and cages. We really wanted to have a dog or cat, but at the time, it just wasn't possible. I felt bad telling my kids that we couldn't have four-legged pets, so we compromised.

Although my living room was running out of space, our small animals became part of the family. I was a little worried at first because I didn't think the kids would really enjoy animals that they couldn't necessarily be played with, but each animal had a unique personality and the kids loved them. They became the ideal pets for people who can't have pets.

Naturally, we started out with small birds, rabbits, and fish, but over the years, and now as home owners, our zoo has grown tremendously. Throughout the years prior to being able to have pets, we even had fiddler crabs, which are so much fun to watch.

For people who can't have pets, these really are great animals to have. Although they are small, their personalities are mighty and the kids love them. The only downside is the loss of space from the cages and aquariums, but the loss of space was well worth the sacrifice. You simply can't have a childhood without pets, and I'm glad my kids didn't have to miss out.

Now, years later, we have quite the zoo. We have a huge German Shepard named Duke, 2 cockatiels, a foster cockatiel, 2 Indian Ring Necks, 1 parakeet, 1 chunky little hamster, a Day Gekco, a tarantula, a green fish named Mickey, and a tank of sharks.

If you're financially stable, you're living situation doesn't necessarily mean you can't own a pet. Sometimes, you just need to get a little creative about what type of pet you'll bring home to love.

What are some other pets for people who can't have furry critters?

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